blev inget...

med reidun i dag :/
det var näst intill snöstorm innan, men NU när det är kolsvart ute och kallt som fan så har det slutat och snöa!
snacka om att man blir en aning irriterad på vintern!
det som var meningen att jag och sofia skulle ta en lång mysig skrittur och så kom det här skitvädret. men vi bestämde att vi skulle höras av i veckan nu när vi har fått jullov och då kan vi ju ta vilken dag som helst. så man får ju hoppas på att det blir nån dag nu i veckan där det inte snöar :)
så ah, bättre lycka nästa gång!

jag älskar dig

I can't take it no more now
I won't play any part of your wicked game
It's not worth it, oh man you're driving me insane

You're too much for me to handle
Just another day and I break down
I need distance, between me and you and this town

Well I've made up my mind
I'm not backing up this time

I'm gonna jump in a car, step on the gas and go far away
Away from here
And I'm staying around, looking at you, breaking my heart in two
I'm gonna jump in a car, step on the gas and go far away
Away from here
And I'm staying around, looking at you, breaking my heart in two

Yes I've had it, with your winds and I'm
Gonna do what it takes to set me free
I won't let you destroy whatever's left of me

I've seen through you and your lies and I've
Decided to do what has to be done
Realized that we're better off on our own

Well I've made up my mind
I'm not backing up this time

I'm gonna jump in a car, step on the gas and go far away
Away from here
And I'm staying around, looking at you, breaking my heart in two
I'm gonna jump in a car, step on the gas and go far away
Away from here
And I'm staying around, looking at you, breaking my heart in two

Well I've made up my mind
I'm not backing up this time

I'm gonna jump in a car, step on the gas and go far away
Away from here
And I'm staying around, looking at you, breaking my heart in two
Now I'm gonna jump in a car, step on the gas and go far away
Away from here
And I'm staying around, looking at you, breaking my heart in two
Now I'm gonna jump in a car, step on the gas and go far away
Away from here
And I'm staying around, looking at you, breaking my heart in two
Now I'm gonna jump in a car, step on the gas and go far away
Away from here
And I'm staying around, looking at you, breaking my heart in two


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